A Persistent, Residual Culture
What is a persistent, residual culture?
First, it is a culture that persists in spite of changes in society, leadership, strategy, or ownership.
Second, it is a culture that resides in the relationships of people who work in the company or live in the same community. It lives there regardless of support or resistance. It is a culture of belief in certain values that define who people want to be together in the varied functioning of their jobs.

How To Talk To Your Children About Being Persons of Impact
It is clear to me that children are already in tune with the idea that they can make a difference in people’s lives. This raises the question for parents of how to talk with their children about being persons of impact.

Becoming a Community Change Creator
“Being a change creator is a mindset utilizing a specific skill set focused on impact. Instead of asking, ‘What does it take to create a happy customer?’ ask, ‘What is the impact that we want to create for our customer?’ When we have a change mindset, we see the difference. We see how what we do creates that difference. We communicate that difference so that we can strengthen our relationship with our customers. We change to adapt ourselves to the needs of our customer. By recognizing this changing difference, we begin to grasp that we are always in transition. “ – Circle of Impact: Taking Personal Initiative To Ignite Change, p. 175.

Road Trips are for Thinking
I drive long distances to think. The side of my brain that is focused on safe driving allows for my creative side to think uninterrupted for long stretches of time and distance. I drive with a pen and my journal on the seat next to me. Yes, I do pull off the highway to write down notes. There is a kind of sorting out of thoughts that takes place for me as I drive.Today I begin a 50 day road trip across the country.This trip is more open ended. I have destinations, but no absolute route to take, and with that, the time to wander, and time to think.Here’s some of what I’ll be thinking about.