Leading as Creators of Change

Leading as Creators of Change

The choice is increasingly clear. In the future, we will either be subjects of change or creators of it. To thrive in a world in transition requires the capacity to see beyond what has become comfortable and secure. We must see the opportunities that are ours through our potential for taking personal initiative.

A key to living in the midst of transition is listening for the signals of opportunities that come with change. Only by being aware of the obstacles and opportunities embedded in change, can we see how to create change that makes a difference that matters.

This is the third of four posts of excerpts from my book, Circle of Impact: Taking Personal Initiative To Ignite Change. These posts are about the transition that I see taking place within organizations in particular, and global society in general. If you or your business is in transition, you may find that many of the ideas and tactics that you used to manage change are no longer effective. You need not only a different perspective, but new tools for living in the midst of a global transition of unprecedented proportions.

Understanding the Boundaries of Self-Perception

Understanding the Boundaries of Self-Perception

Regardless of what people tell you, you are neither as talented nor as inadequate as they want you to think. Changing self-perception is one part of gaining confidence to live by our values and discovering the potential impact of our talents, skills and experience.