by Dr. Ed Brenegar | Jan 30, 2020 | Book, Brand, Centralized Institutions, Circle of Impact, Community, Decentralized Networks, Two Global Forces, Uncategorized
Entering a world that is dramatically different than my own, as I did in going to Africa, things stand out. Traveling in the rural areas, seeing motorbikes used to haul goods. Harvested agriculture products spread on the ground beside the highway ready to be loaded to be taken to market. People living in extreme poverty. Visiting a hundred-year-old man, who was homeless because he had outlived his family, showed me the power of local communities to mitigate the effects of poverty. Through these experiences, and more, the Two Global Forces took on a deeper, richer meaning.
by Dr. Ed Brenegar | Dec 1, 2019 | Circle of Impact, Ideas, Impact, Relationships, Structure, Transition, Uncategorized
We are living in a time of personal change. This transition is not only one that requires a response. More importantly, it demands decisions by each of us that lead to personal actions to create change. Simply being a follower is becoming less and less viable. We have to learn to “take personal initiative to create impact that makes a difference that matters.”
The implication of this new level of personal change means that the cultures and institutions that we have grown to depend upon for stability will also go through significant change. Many will fail from their inability to adapt. Others will survive but in a more marginal state. What is before is the creation of a new culture of leadership for organizations, communities and global society. In order for us to do this we must understand the forces of change that are at work.
This is the second of four posts of excerpts from my book, Circle of Impact: Taking Personal Initiative To Ignite Change. These posts are about the transition that I see taking place within organizations in particular, and global society in general. If you or your business is in transition, you may find that many of the ideas and tactics that you used to manage change are no longer effective. You need not only a different perspective, but new tools for living in the midst of a global transition of unprecedented proportions.
by Dr. Ed Brenegar | Nov 25, 2019 | Book, Circle of Impact, Impact, Transition
We are living in a time of global change. Organizations and institutions that were once bulwarks of society are in a transition.There is a sense of desperation showing. Is this about survival? Or, is this about the capacity of executive leaders to change?
This is the first of four posts of excerpts from my book, Circle of Impact: Taking Personal Initiative To Ignite Change. These posts are about the transition that I see taking place within organizations in particular, and global society in general. If you or your business is in transition, you may find that many of the ideas and tactics that you used to manage change are no longer effective. You need not only a different perspective, but new tools for living in the midst of a global transition of unprecedented proportions.