The Moment

The Moment

It was never my intention to become an expert on change. Yet at each transition point in my life, I discovered something about myself that made the experience of change beneficial. Even in situations of change that followed failure or loss, I found that change was like living in a large house. It comes to us when we cross a threshold to enter a new room. The house is our whole life. Each room represents a part of the life that we have lived. All the rooms are our rooms, even when they seem different from one another.

I know many of you have experienced similar difficult changes in life. You look back with regret, sorrow, and feelings of guilt. You may feel that life dealt you an unwinnable hand. Anger and bitterness have become a constant presence because the life you desired has not happened. The old saying that misery loves company we find not to be true.

The Journey and The Guide

The Journey and The Guide

It is a common thought that life is a journey, not a destination.

We say this because life has ceased to be predictable, certain and secure. It is much more a process of discovering what we need to know right now, every day.

Everyday, traveling along an unknown trail, means that the skills and knowledge we need are quite different than if we never left our home and ventured into the unknown.

As my work has developed over the years, I’ve come to realize that while my work falls into the broad category of consulting and coaching, my real service to people and organizations as been as a guide along an unknown trail of life and work.

What does a guide do?

Leadership that Empowers Today

Leadership that Empowers Today

We live in a world that is in transition.

One of the most significant transitions that we are experiencing is in the nature of leadership.

It used to be that leadership was reserved for the person who was the head of an organization. We knew who the leader was because he or she had a title that defined their role as the leader of the organization.

Since there are only a few leaders, it means everyone else is a follower.

The Relationship between Leaders and Followers is Changing

The relation between leading and following is in transition.

It once was true that great leaders had great followers. However, over time, as the world has changed, we are far more aware of what our leaders are really like. The issue for the follower is ‘Do I trust the leader?’. For leaders, the question is ‘Do I respect the follower?’

Two Global Forces of Change

Two Global Forces of Change

We are living in a time of personal change. This transition is not only one that requires a response. More importantly, it demands decisions by each of us that lead to personal actions to create change. Simply being a follower is becoming less and less viable. We have to learn to “take personal initiative to create impact that makes a difference that matters.”

The implication of this new level of personal change means that the cultures and institutions that we have grown to depend upon for stability will also go through significant change. Many will fail from their inability to adapt. Others will survive but in a more marginal state. What is before is the creation of a new culture of leadership for organizations, communities and global society. In order for us to do this we must understand the forces of change that are at work.

This is the second of four posts of excerpts from my book, Circle of Impact: Taking Personal Initiative To Ignite Change. These posts are about the transition that I see taking place within organizations in particular, and global society in general. If you or your business is in transition, you may find that many of the ideas and tactics that you used to manage change are no longer effective. You need not only a different perspective, but new tools for living in the midst of a global transition of unprecedented proportions.

Transition Point #10: You Are Thrust Into A Leadership Role For Which You Feel Unprepared.

Transition Point #10: You Are Thrust Into A Leadership Role For Which You Feel Unprepared.

On a grand, global scale, the meaning of leadership in organizations is changing. The image of the lone, heroic leader is giving way to collaborative leadership teams and global networks of relationships that practice shared leadership.

On a personal level, leadership is becoming more and more what is required of us. Organizational leadership is becoming more personal and social. It still involves technical skills. The difference is found in how I define leadership: “All leadership begins with personal initiative to create impact that makes a difference that matters.”