Elevating Leadership Capacity

Elevating Leadership Capacity

When people solve their own problems, they also gain skills in communication, collaboration, and innovation. All are leadership skills that everyone needs to acquire regardless of the position that they have in the organization. What, then, is the impact of this approach to leadership. In simple terms, it moves an organization from being leadership starved to being leader-rich. More definitively, it decentralizes the capacity of an organization to solve its problems. I saw this effect in an organization that I served many years ago. Small problems flowed up through the hierarchy to the vice-president’s desk. By then a problem had turned into an issue between the company and the union. When the company implemented a program to train and support all their employees in practicing these leadership skills, the trust level in the company grew, ultimately gaining the awareness of Forbes magazine in their annual list of most trustworthy companies. This is the potential that results from elevating the leadership capacity of people.

Creating Your Own Network of Relationships

Creating Your Own Network of Relationships

Take your phone out and look at your list of contacts.
How many of these people do you regularly have a conversation with?

I suggest that you create your own network of relationships.
This goes a step beyond what is possible through social media sites.
A network of relationships is where you can meet people that you know and talk about the things that matter to you.

The Choice: Influence or Impact

The Choice: Influence or Impact

A colleague once told me that influence was THE essential measure of leadership. I disagreed with him. My reasons have less to do with what leadership is, and more to do with the context where leadership takes place. My perspective is based upon what I learned over...