by Dr. Ed Brenegar | Jan 2, 2022 | Circle of Impact, Impact, Relationships, Structure, Transition
Entering a new year only means that we have a reference point for change. If you want more of what you had in 2021, keep doing the same things. If you don’t, then change. You can do it at any time. You don’t have to do it in January. I have found that most of the major changes in my life happened between May and November. See? When we decided to do things differently, it doesn’t really matter. Making the change is what matters.
Here are three observations and responses that can help you make 2022 a better year than you have had a decade. Does that sound too optimistic? Then read on because you are trapped in a mindset that is holding you back from leading your organization.
by Dr. Ed Brenegar | Nov 25, 2021 | Book, Circle of Impact, Impact, Relationships, Transition, Uncategorized
Have you ever prepared to cross a street, and there at the curb is a big, deep puddle? You don’t want to step in it. So, you look for a way around, or you try to decide if you can jump across it. I believe this is where many of us are right now. We are stuck trying to figure out a way around the complexity of a global coronavirus pandemic, the swings of political ideology upon our lives, and what the future holds for you, your family, your business, the organizations you contribute to, and your community as your home.
Four years ago as I was preparing to publish Circle of Impact: Taking Personal Initiative To Ignite Change, I put together a set of five guiding principles that I felt were a simple summary of the book. Over the past several months, I realized that the time for a refresh of the principles was needed. Several new things had begun, and I needed to reflect it a revised Guiding Principles of the Circle of Impact.
1. ALL Leadership Begins with Personal Initiative to Create Impact.
2. We are ALL in Transition. Every one of us. ALL the time.
3. Impact is the Change that Makes a Difference that Matters.
4. Impact Expands through Networks of Relationships.
5. Start Small. Act Locally. Share Globally. Take the Long View.
by Dr. Ed Brenegar | May 9, 2020 | Book, Circle of Impact
On Monday, May 11, I will launch the first of a collection of books in a series entitled, Global Change / Local Impact. The series looks at this time of transition that we are in to foster understanding of what is happening, and insight into how to counter fear and passivity by taking initiative to care for your local communities.
To receive the first book, All Crises Are Local: Understanding the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, for free, sign up for my Circle of Initiators newsletter by Monday, May 11.
All other books in the series will be available as Kindle downloads for a nominal charge.
by Dr. Ed Brenegar | Feb 11, 2019 | Ideas, Impact, Relationships, Structure
To be a person of impact first requires the desire to be a person who lives a particular kind of life. A life where a difference is being made that matters beyond just what people think of you. It is not about being impressive or becoming a celebrity. It is about the change that is created through how one speaks, thinks, acts and relates to people.
by Dr. Ed Brenegar | Nov 27, 2018 | Impact
Two global forces are at work … pushing and pulling against each other. The first is the pull to centralize global institutions, particularly those in finance and governance, into one integrated system of operation. … The other force pushes back through networks of relationships that distribute decision-making and management in a decentralized way.