Transition Point #10: You Are Thrust Into A Leadership Role For Which You Feel Unprepared.

Transition Point #10: You Are Thrust Into A Leadership Role For Which You Feel Unprepared.

On a grand, global scale, the meaning of leadership in organizations is changing. The image of the lone, heroic leader is giving way to collaborative leadership teams and global networks of relationships that practice shared leadership.

On a personal level, leadership is becoming more and more what is required of us. Organizational leadership is becoming more personal and social. It still involves technical skills. The difference is found in how I define leadership: “All leadership begins with personal initiative to create impact that makes a difference that matters.”

Transition Point #9: You Are Confronted With Life Decisions That Have No Easy Answer Or Application.

Transition Point #9: You Are Confronted With Life Decisions That Have No Easy Answer Or Application.

Major life decisions call us to look at our lives as a whole, rather than as a set of compartments. We need to ask, “What is the impact that I want to have from this decision. These transition points aren’t simple moments of decision. We are called to make choices about our life priorities and purpose. Being able to see our lives through the lens of impact. Our choices become clearer.