The Journey and The Guide

The Journey and The Guide

It is a common thought that life is a journey, not a destination.

We say this because life has ceased to be predictable, certain and secure. It is much more a process of discovering what we need to know right now, every day.

Everyday, traveling along an unknown trail, means that the skills and knowledge we need are quite different than if we never left our home and ventured into the unknown.

As my work has developed over the years, I’ve come to realize that while my work falls into the broad category of consulting and coaching, my real service to people and organizations as been as a guide along an unknown trail of life and work.

What does a guide do?

Road Trips are for Thinking

Road Trips are for Thinking

I drive long distances to think. The side of my brain that is focused on safe driving allows for my creative side to think uninterrupted for long stretches of time and distance. I drive with a pen and my journal on the seat next to me. Yes, I do pull off the highway to write down notes. There is a kind of sorting out of thoughts that takes place for me as I drive.Today I begin a 50 day road trip across the country.This trip is more open ended. I have destinations, but no absolute route to take, and with that, the time to wander, and time to think.Here’s some of what I’ll be thinking about.