Webinar Date and Time:
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 11am-12:30pm Eastern Daylight Timehttps://
schedulewithEdBrenegar.as.me/ The-Story-We-Tell-Ours… Fee: $10 USD per link. The fee covers one person or many at one site.
The webinar content is designed to accommodate family groups and business teams.
Sign up with the link above.
On Wednesday, you will receive the Zoom link and materials for preparation.
How To Face Our Fears and Anxieties
We are living in a time of uncertainty. How do we find ways to counter the experience of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt? We need a story that affirms who we are and reminds us of what matters to us. Our story is there for us when uncertainty seems to be at its most intense and alienating.
I’m offering a webinar to address the fear and anxiety that has grown exponentially because of the coronavirus crisis. See the details above.
The webinar will cover topics like:
* How to create a story that is a constant reminder of what is important to us.
* How to identify the values and beliefs that give us meaning for each day.
* How knowing our purpose is the basis of The Story We Tell Ourselves.
* How our families and business teams can create a shared story that gives us unity and strength for times of uncertainty.
The webinar will build confidence in facing the challenges of a post-coronavirus world. The benefit for groups, whether a family or a business team, is that this will give them a common language to talk about the situations that we are facing.
This is the first of many webinars focused on building leadership capacities in the social and organizational settings that we live and work in today.
If there are any questions, direct them to me at ed@wordpress-488199-1628870.cloudwaysapps.com.