The Transition Chronicles

We all live in a time of transition. It is different than just recognizing that change is happening. It is seeing that transition is a process along a path of change. The more we embrace the transitions that we are in, the more we can thrive in a time of uncertainty. The Transition Chronicles is an ongoing series of short books (5,000 to 12,000 words in length) that focus on various aspects of the transitions that we experience through the three dimensions of the Circle of Impact.



The First Five Books in The Transition Chronicles series.


All Crises Are Local: Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic Response

The COVID-19 coronavirus global pandemic has disrupted the lives of people and nations around the world. It has bred fear and anxiety. This short book looks at the response from a systems point of view. A system is an interdependent network of functions within a social or organizational structure. In other words, if the response was a systems response, those in authority would not have elevated public health to be more important than local economics or social health of communities. Based upon my Circle of Impact model, I look at the response to understand what all this means. From my observations, the response has been a failure. This is not a political statement, but rather a perspective on the leadership of organizations.


Impact Starts With Me: A Path To Self-Discovery

This short book is an introduction to a life of impact. It is important to know that I believe that anyone can be a person of impact. In doing so, you are a leader who makes a difference that matters. For all leadership begins with personal initiative to create impact that makes a difference that matters to the people you know and for the community where you live and work.


Seeing Below The Surface of Things: The Brokenness of the Modern Organization

For over a decade, I’ve been talking with people about the transition they are experiencing. They feel it on a personal level. Most cannot identify how the organizations and institutions that live and work in are also in transition. In this short book, I look at this transition from the perspective of how organizations, all organizations, are broken. My Circle of Impact model is the tool I use to look at this breaking of the organizations that we depend upon. In times of transition, insight and perspective are key to find confidence to lead our families, organizations and communities.


Where Did Trust Go?: Restoring Authority and Accountability in Organizations

This short book was inspired by a question about what to do about corruption in government and business. As I did my research, I came to realize that corruption is a symptom of a deeper problem that afflicts most organizations today. This problem is the severing of the relationship between the authority of the organization and how accountability relates to it. Once you read this short book, you’ll be able to understand why so many of our problems today are because of this brokenness. In times of transition, insight and perspective are key to find confidence to lead our families, organizations and communities.


Thriving in the Midst of Uncertainty: A Strategic Conversation with Bill Watkins

Every day I have conversations with people where we talk about change, life, leadership, and the future of our world. Bill Watkins is a friend and business coach whose perspective has made a difference in my life and business far beyond anyone else. In this short book, I invite Bill into a conversation about how to thrive in the midst of uncertainty. I believe you will find reasons to release yourself from fear and embrace the opportunities that are right in front of you. With insight and perspective we find the confidence to lead our families, organizations and communities.

#change, #circleofimpact, #uncertainty, #community, #leadership, #makingadifferencethatmatters, #trust, #TheTransitionChronicles, #AllCrisesAreLocal, #ImpactStartsWithMe, #TheBrokennessoftheModernOrganization, #RestoringAuthorityandAccountabilityinOrganizations, #ThrivingintheMidstofUncertainty, #CircleofImpactbook, #CircleofImpactleadership, #CircleofImpactcoaching


Dr. Ed Brenegar is a Leader for Leaders working with individuals, their teams, organizations and communities who find themselves at a point of transition. Ed has developed an innovative leadership model called, Circle of Impact, that clarifies what the impact of their life or the work of their organization can be. From this perspective, impact is the change that makes a difference that matters. Ed. for over 30 years, has inspired and equipped people and organizations to practice this fresh understanding of leadership. All leadership begins with personal initiative to create impact that makes a difference that matters. Everyone within an organization or a community can, therefore, practice leadership initiative. In so doing, they turn what were once leadership-starved organizations into leader-rich cultures that make a difference that matters.

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