One of the Circle of Impact Guiding Principles is that “we are all in transition, everyone of us, all the time.” When I speak about this with people, they readily acknowledge this truth.
Transitions Out There
The reality of Transition is that it is taking place “out there” and “within us.” The Out There is in society, in the organizations where we work and service and in our communities.
It is easy to see the societal transition because it is displayed before us every day through social media. Many of the people that I meet tell me they love the connections that social media provides with old friends and family members who live far away. They also speak of the expectation to conform to the opinions of those people who have divided the world up between good and evil.
We feel the transition at work because of how complicated it has become to navigate the expectations that accompany the internal politics of the organization. One level of a corporation does not know what another level knows, so everyone feels isolated and squeezed between those above to whom they must answer and to those below for whom they are responsible for leading.
The most hidden transition that is taking place right before us is in our communities. In many communities, people simply spend the night and weekends in their home. In other communities, streets are filled with empty homes owned by people from elsewhere who are “parking” their money there as an investment. In some communities, the challenges of absorbing new residents from elsewhere make it difficult to maintain the culture and character of their small town. The pressures on town governments to expand services, to add new schools and to change building design codes to allow for faster, larger developments can create a highly divisive environment for people. As a result, communities are transitioning from being places where people live together to places filled with large institutional campuses where people live and work.
Transitions Within Us
These transitions “out there” apply pressure on what goes on “within us.” The vast majority of people that I meet are people whom I could characterize as fair-minded, willing to meet people halfway, and, only want the best for their family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. They are bewildered by what they see on the news. They are unsure how to respond to the anger that they find from people. Yet, they complain about the inconveniences that come with over development and express fear about the future of the world that their children and grandchildren will live in.
So, yes, we are in transition, and in many ways that are outside of our control. At least as it presently shows itself. However, none of these transitions are inevitable. They are taking place because people are making decisions, taking initiative to create a world which fits within their own particular value structure. Values drive both positive and destructive change.
Several questions are raised by this reality. This is why is valuable to know how to utilize the Circle of Impact model of Leadership as outlined in my book, Circle of Impact: Taking Personal Initiative To Ignite Change. When you sign up for my newsletter at my website,, you’ll receive an infographic with three tools for asking the questions you need to find clarity and direction in the midst of these transitions.
Here are three questions to begin right now.
Questions to Ask Right Now
What do I believe and why does it matter to me?
These are core values that give meaning to your life. You should treat them as non-negotiable. By this, I mean you are willing to change your life for these values to remain central to how you live and work. Also, these are your values, ways that you describe what is important to you, and how you want to live.
What are the boundaries that I will not cross in my involvement in social media, at work, and in my community?
I am proposing that there are lines that we should not cross to preserve our own personal integrity. If we are unable to live by our values, then we must make some changes in order to restore those values to a place of practical importance. To go-along-to-get-along is not a healthy way to live. The implication is that we may have to decide to end our involvement in social media, change jobs or move to a new community for our values to be fully realized in our lives. Each of these transitions carries a cost. This is why it is so important to be absolutely clear about what values are the basis for your life.
What does it mean for ME to be a person of impact?
The Circle of Impact definition of leadership is that “all leadership begins with personal initiative to create impact that makes a difference that matters.” By focusing on taking personal initiative as a creator of impact, you are acting upon the values that matter to you. When you decide to be a person of impact, your understanding of the place of social media, work, and community in your changes. They can be places of impact for you.
The Greatest Transition
One of the Circle of Impact principles is that the greatest change that we go through is in our self-understanding. The challenges of the transitions that we are experiencing is that it strikes at the heart of who we believe ourselves to be.
Now, that simple belief is being challenged. With that challenge comes an opportunity to discover who we are, and how our lives can truly make a difference that matters.
If you have not read, Circle of Impact: Taking Personal Initiative To Ignite Change, I encourage you to do so. Here is what you find. You can find it at Amazon, your local Barnes & Noble or Independent Bookseller.
Circle of Impact Table of Contents
PART ONE: All Leadership Begins with Personal Initiative.
Chapter 1: The Circle of Impact—A Model for Leaders.
Chapter 2: Personal Initiative for Leadership Impact.
Chapter 3: Becoming a Circle of Impact Leader.
PART TWO: We Are All in Transition.
Chapter 4: Leadership in Transition.
Chapter 5: Personal Change—From Transition to Transformation.
Chapter 6: Organizations in Transition.
PART THREE: Inside the Circle of Impact.
Chapter 7: Three Dimensions of Leadership—Alignment for Impact.
Chapter 8: The Ideas Dimension—Creating Clarity for Impact.
Chapter 9: The Relationship Dimension—Creating Trusting Relationships.
Chapter 10: The Structure Dimension—Creating Impact That Matters.
PART FOUR: Leadership Impact for a World in Transition.
Chapter 11: Leading as Creators of Change.
Chapter 12: Creating a Culture for Leadership.
Chapter 13: Acting Locally on a Global Scale.
Epilogue: Start Small, Grow Big.