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The Synthesis/Synthetic Series at The Future of Leadership Substack:
- The Synthetic Network: Why the difference between Institutional Knowledge and Synthetic Knowledge matters.
- Synthetic Learning: Everything You Learn You Have To Learn It Over and Over Again.
- Synthetic Awareness: Synthetic living is manifested by being situationally aware, which requires us to be self-aware. To do so, we must stop placing our own feelings and sense of identity at the center of every situation.
- Synthetic Discernment: How Self-Awareness becomes the basis for discerning good and evil.
- Synthetic Discovery: What would it look like if we took Hegelian Synthesis and reinvented it to revolutionize, for the future, the cultures of reality and simulation?
- Synthetic Generational Relationships: How to talk to Millennials and GenZers about our shared future.
- Synthetic Center and Periphery: When the Center cannot hold, the Periphery reforms.
- Synthesis in Time and Space: Synthesis in the Life of the Self.
- The Synthetic Future: Where this train of thought is carrying me. Why don’t you join me?
- Synthesizing Our Local Communities: The global systems failure on many fronts points to the end of centralized control and an emerging synthesis of restoration, recovery, and reconciliation of local communities.
- Synthesizing The Self: The origin of our sense of who we are takes place in relationships and social settings. Understanding what we want in those places helps us to know who we want to be.
- Synthesizing Reality: Understanding how embracing reality, rather than a culture of simulation, elevates our sense of self to discover how we can make a difference in the world that matters.
- Synthesizing Healing All That is Broken: The Future of Leadership is in learning to synthesize.
- Synthesis as the Syllapsis of Relationships: The Center of Synthesis is a Relationship between, with, and beyond at the same time together and apart. This is the nature of the world, of time and space, and our lives as persons.
- Synthetic Situational Awareness: Creating a synthesis between Situational Awareness and Self-Awareness.
- Synthesis Transition to the Future: Understanding the Two Global Forces Provides Learning to Reverse the Culture of Domination and Hegemony Brings Hope.
- The Synthetic Future of Organizations: It is remarkable to see how the Structural Hierarchies are failing and Networks of Relationships are an emerging answer to this transition.
- A Synthetic Mindset: A Synthetic Mindset enables our Networks of Relationships to learn how to create new Mediating Institutions for our Local Commun