Knowing What You Have To Offer

Knowing What You Have To Offer

We need to understand, “What do I have to offer to the world?”

Say that to yourself.

What do I have to offer the world?

Say it out loud if you want, emphasizing the “doing” of the offer.

What do I have to offer the world?

Write the sentence down. Look at it again.

Open up your hands palms up. Extend them out in front of you as if you are giving something to someone. In your hands is what you have to offer. It is the gift that you give to people, organizations, and places that makes a difference that matters.

Now imagine that every day you climb out of bed to offer the world all the unrealized potential that rests in your hands right now.

We are now beginning to see that our unrealized potential is not some abstract value, but something real that we have to offer. Something tangible that can make a real difference in the world. We are recognizing that we have within ourselves is a capacity for making a difference that maybe we’ve never thought about before.

In your hands is the power to bring change that creates goodness wherever you are, even at work, even in the midst of a global pandemic.

To learn what we have to offer is a process of self-discovery. We realize all we have been storing away, out of sight, out of mind, down deep in inside all these years. It is all we’ve learned, gained, and developed in the way of knowledge and experience throughout our lifetime.




This is a key principle of the Circle of Impact.  It is proven true to me every day in virtually every encounter that I have with people.

My conversations usually begin with an introduction that includes my being the author of a book for “people who are in transition.” This phrase catches their attention. It resonates as something that they are feeling. When I say the word “transition” it stands out as authentic and real.

I do believe we are all in transition. From what people tell me, it is not clear to them what this means. They know on some gut level that this feeling is different than some random interruption of their lives. Instead, it is a feeling that their world is about to change.

For many whom I meet, this feeling is new. They have never felt like their lives truly mattered. Now, something is tugging at them, telling them, “You are in transition, go find where it is taking you.” For many people, their lives were transformed because they responded to this feeling of transition. For me, there is nothing better than to see someone’s life changed when they discover how their life can matter as a person of impact.

Transition Point #10: You Are Thrust Into A Leadership Role For Which You Feel Unprepared.

Transition Point #10: You Are Thrust Into A Leadership Role For Which You Feel Unprepared.

On a grand, global scale, the meaning of leadership in organizations is changing. The image of the lone, heroic leader is giving way to collaborative leadership teams and global networks of relationships that practice shared leadership.

On a personal level, leadership is becoming more and more what is required of us. Organizational leadership is becoming more personal and social. It still involves technical skills. The difference is found in how I define leadership: “All leadership begins with personal initiative to create impact that makes a difference that matters.”