A Listening Tour

Over the past several months, I have been traveling to events around the country to promote my book, Circle of Impact: Taking Personal Initiative To Ignite Change.What began as a book promotion tour has transitioned into being a listening tour. You would have to be with me to understand the extent of insight that I’m gaining from talking to people on this tour.In these moments, I say the book is about:Personal Leadership, and,How we are all in Transition, personally, socially and organizationally.When I say these very words, people look me squarely in the eye, and step closer towards me. They want to know more. After some amazing conversations, most walk away with a signed copy of my book.Here are three things that I am seeing from this experience.

Transition Point #8: Your relationships are unhealthy.

Transition Point #8: Your relationships are unhealthy.

When we experience unhealthy relationships, we are faced with a transition point that we should not ignore. Just like the health of our bodies needs care, so too does the health of our organizations and communities. When our bodies become unhealthy, we take steps to restore our health. It may require simply relieving stress, and providing better nourishment and rest. Or, our body to be healthy may require surgery to remove, repair or replace a joint or organ that is essential to our health.