Leadership that Empowers Today

Leadership that Empowers Today

We live in a world that is in transition.

One of the most significant transitions that we are experiencing is in the nature of leadership.

It used to be that leadership was reserved for the person who was the head of an organization. We knew who the leader was because he or she had a title that defined their role as the leader of the organization.

Since there are only a few leaders, it means everyone else is a follower.

The Relationship between Leaders and Followers is Changing

The relation between leading and following is in transition.

It once was true that great leaders had great followers. However, over time, as the world has changed, we are far more aware of what our leaders are really like. The issue for the follower is ‘Do I trust the leader?’. For leaders, the question is ‘Do I respect the follower?’

Two Global Forces in Africa

Two Global Forces in Africa

Entering a world that is dramatically different than my own, as I did in going to Africa, things stand out. Traveling in the rural areas, seeing motorbikes used to haul goods. Harvested agriculture products spread on the ground beside the highway ready to be loaded to be taken to market. People living in extreme poverty. Visiting a hundred-year-old man, who was homeless because he had outlived his family, showed me the power of local communities to mitigate the effects of poverty. Through these experiences, and more, the Two Global Forces took on a deeper, richer meaning.