The Story We Tell Ourselves in Times of Uncertainty – A Webinar

The Story We Tell Ourselves in Times of Uncertainty – A Webinar

We are living in a time of uncertainty. How do we find ways to counter the experience of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt? We need a story that affirms who we are and reminds us of what matters to us. Our story is there for us when uncertainty seems to be at its most intense and alienating.

I’m offering a webinar to address the fear and anxiety that has grown exponentially because of the coronavirus crisis.

Let’s Talk … Conversation in a Time of Virus

Let’s Talk … Conversation in a Time of Virus

I don’t know about you, but the isolation that comes with social distancing is a challenge. As a result, I am going to host an online conversation this Wednesday, March 18 from 5-6:30pm Mountain Daylight Time. In order to participate, send me your email and an expressed desire to be in conversation with others to my email,

There is no agenda. Each person will have the opportunity to introduce themselves. And the group will decide what it wants to discuss.

The conversation will be moderated to ensure respect and openness of expression.

Leadership that Empowers Today

Leadership that Empowers Today

We live in a world that is in transition.

One of the most significant transitions that we are experiencing is in the nature of leadership.

It used to be that leadership was reserved for the person who was the head of an organization. We knew who the leader was because he or she had a title that defined their role as the leader of the organization.

Since there are only a few leaders, it means everyone else is a follower.

The Relationship between Leaders and Followers is Changing

The relation between leading and following is in transition.

It once was true that great leaders had great followers. However, over time, as the world has changed, we are far more aware of what our leaders are really like. The issue for the follower is ‘Do I trust the leader?’. For leaders, the question is ‘Do I respect the follower?’

Two Global Forces in Africa

Two Global Forces in Africa

Entering a world that is dramatically different than my own, as I did in going to Africa, things stand out. Traveling in the rural areas, seeing motorbikes used to haul goods. Harvested agriculture products spread on the ground beside the highway ready to be loaded to be taken to market. People living in extreme poverty. Visiting a hundred-year-old man, who was homeless because he had outlived his family, showed me the power of local communities to mitigate the effects of poverty. Through these experiences, and more, the Two Global Forces took on a deeper, richer meaning.

A Lesson in Impact

A Lesson in Impact

Failure is a way of life for many people. They try hard to succeed. But for some reason they never do.

Is their problem one of execution, of planning, of expectation, of personality or timing? Or is it a combination of all of them?

I’ve thought a lot about this over the years. In addition to the above, other factors play into what constitutes success.

There is the question of focus, of application of talent to real needs, of competence in performance, of commitment for preparation and for follow-through. Then there is the question of self-confidence.

See, all those conditions factor into success and failure. Yet, all those could be at the top-of-their-game, and still, success eludes us. The question is whether our conception of success is sufficient for the world we live in. I am increasingly convinced that we must look more deeply into these factors in order to define impact as the measure of success.